Tuesday, October 15, 2013

To An Oriole, A Sense of Place, Track 2

Baltimore Oriole, Wikipedia
The lyrics for To An Oriole is a poem sent to me by a fellow Earth Literacy grad, Bruce Allen, from St Mary-of-the-Woods College, IN. Bruce is also a weekend farmer, birder, and all around good guy.
He sent me the verse, telling me it was his all-time favorite poem and wondered if I might set it to music. He had several of my CDs and asked if I could provide a suitable melody for the words written over a century ago by Edgar Fawcett.

I am always reluctant to take on this kind of a project for several reasons. First, it is hard to live up to others' expectations of what a melody might be for a favorite verse.  Secondly, it can be a copyright nightmare if you do not have a direct relationship with the co-writer.  Clearly, the long deceased Mr. Fawcett, would not be able to protest my adoption of his succinct verse about he ethereal wonder of his favorite bird. My research showed the writings he had authored had all aged into the Public Domain.  I was encouraged to continue.

So I spent some hours at the piano noodling with steps and jumps of melody possibilities until his words began to speak to me with their own cadence, with pauses and lilting questions. The words themselves took command and TOLD me how to write the melody.  Thank you, Bruce.  Thank you, Mr. Fawcett.   And thank you, Beautiful Oriole.

Listening Clip, Track 2

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