Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Preserving the Bounty

"When the tomatoes are ripe, everything else can wait."
The garden becomes my schedule keeper at the this time of year. I may have had plans today, but when there a finally enough ripe strawberries, THAT is the day one must make strawberry freezer jam. When the cukes are the perfect size, THAT is the time "put up" my darlin's favorite hot dog relish to enjoy for the next year.

So, everything else is taking a back seat to attending to the harvest. Yesterday I began drying some herbs that were prolific this year. Why not try drying some parsley and chives when I have it in abundance. I can transfer skills from other things I have dried, do a little research and learn how to do this!

Every food item that I can grow, preserve in some safe and healthy way prevents the use of packaging, transport and my concern about where it came from and what chemicals were used. Reduce, reuse and recycle. What a good mantra to repeat!

Enjoy the delicious bounty!

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