Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sometimes Making-Do Makes Something Wonderful

and sometimes our failures turn out to be
Blessings of the Universe.

During this busy season of garden, jam-making, freezing, canning, and endless weeding, (alongside the regular jobs) the only entertaining of friends and family that happens at our house is the kind where everyone brings something to share.

Call it Pot Luck, Covered Dish Dinner, BAS (Bring Along Something)—I call it wonderful.  Much like the story of Stone Soup, a little bit of this and that usually end up making a feast.  And like the story of the Loaves and Fishes, we often end up taking away more leftovers than it seemed we started with.

To such a dinner recently, my buddy Deb brought THE MOST WONDERFUL squash dish.  It was mighty tasty and intriguingly unusual.  It turns out that the secret ingredient was derived from a failed batch of strawberry jam made that week.

Ain’t that just like life? Some of the most interesting delicious stuff comes out of what first appeared to be failures.  The world of science and inventions is rich with such stories.  Why should I be surprised when a song I wrote that never seemed to fit or be finished turns out to be the perfect song for a project 20 years later.

So, let’s all celebrate those failures! Perhaps we should just pronounce it with a French accent, emphasis on the second syllable, to make it sound prettier and remind us to look for a new, better use.

May your next failure become a fail-YUR! If you'd care to share, we're open for comments, ideas, questions and celebrations from your life...

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